Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh Baby!

Current Pregnancy update: Things are going well. I can't shake the worry that I'm going to end up with a baby this month though instead of next. I think I'm just being silly. I do this every time...but I have some legitimate reasons to worry. I started having Braxton Hicks contractions about 2 months ago on a regular basis: about a dozen or so a day. I don't remember any with Kelley (although I had to have had SOME) and only a few episodes with Tyler. They have steadily increased so currently I have about 2-3 an hour most of the time. I talked to my midwife about it and she said not to worry: as long as they go away when I lay down they aren't a problem. So far they have been mostly. They do tend to get worse throughout the day though and tonight they are as bad as they have been. They were pretty bad this afternoon, so I laid down and they went away. But now, 2 hours later I have had 13 contractions in the last 53 minutes. They aren't really painful, but they are a lot stronger tonight than they have been. So I've eaten, drank some water and am laying down. We'll see what happens. Really don't want to spend the rest of my evening hooked up to a monitor in the hospital just for them to tell me I'm being a worry wort, I should know better (already having had two kids previously) and to go home and take it easy. But then again, I really don't want to get to a point where they can't do anything about it (my labors have historically progressed VERY quickly) and end up with a premature baby that could have been saved that struggle.

Good news though. According to my ultrasound I was 34 weeks on Saturday. That means they could deliver the baby here in Cedar if it came at this point and babies at this age generally do really well, without long term problems. That being said, I have stuff still to do and really don't want a preemie if we can help it. That just seems like it would be super complicated with the daycare and it being winter and all. I am starting to get really uncomfortable most of the time and tired really easily, but I'm willling to buck up for a few more weeks :)

Can I brag a little too? I shouldn't say anything because I'll probably balloon in the next few weeks, but I have still only gained less than 10 pounds this whole pregnancy. Now before you get all jealous on me or something you have to know that I started this pregnancy probably 20 pounds heavier than I did with my other much as I hate to admit that! But the funny thing is if I keep this up I will end up weighing less AFTER I have the baby than when I started. Joey keeps laughing about it and calling it the pregnancy diet. It's really exciting for me though because maybe it will give me the motivation to shed the rest of what I gained pre pregnancy after I have the baby. I always find it easier to loose weight when I am nursing. Love that little perk!

Anyway, I guess I better LAY down, instead of trying to just sit here as that doesn't seem to be helping. I'll let you all know if anything dramatic happens in the next few days...


Jaclyn said...

Good update. Hang in there, you're almost done. The baby won't come out yet and even if it does it will be just fine because it is so big. My girls were born at 33 weeks to the day and they are prefectly healthy and completely naughty! Some prego pictures would be nice. I want to see what a girl looks like who only gains 10 lbs (cause I sure gain a heck of a lot more).

chrissy said...

hang in there, you're so close! and kudos on the weight gain (or lack thereof)!

rachaeljanae said...

Each of my pregancies I had Braxton Hicks more often and earlier. The earliest I delivered was 1 week early! I think your body just knows better what's going on each time. It will all be over soon....

Unknown said...

I sure hope you hang on for a little while longer. Good luck! By the way, cute Halloween costumes and kids!

Anna said...

Let us know?? Yeah, right. You should be getting checked real soon. 13 contractions in an hour? ummm yeah. Good luck. I absolutely know what you mean about not being ready yet. Willie came the day before his due date after my membranes were stripped, but I could have easily waited 2 more weeks to be 'ready' for him.

Andrea said...

I loved the pregnancy diet with Zoie. Gained about 30 pounds and lost 50. Didn't have quite the same results with Jonas, but I don't remember having the extra 10 to start with.

Sounds like you'll continue doing the daycare after the baby comes. Did I read that right?

Rae said...

Whew. I hope everything goes well!!