Monday, March 16, 2009

What's up with THAT?

I walk the kids to and/or from school almost every day of the week.  I often have several little ones with me (up to 5 or 6) and so we are constantly talking about street safety as we have to cross a fairly large road.  It's not usually really busy, but sometimes we have to wait for cars.  I'm trying to teach the kids that if there is a car coming we need to stop and wait at the corner.  It is therefore really annoying when people stop for us and kindly wave us across the road.  I know they are just trying to be nice....but it's really counterproductive for me.  If it were terribly bad weather or something, I'd probably be grateful.  But as it is, I wish they would just slow down slightly, watch the kids carefully, but drive by!  Most cars aren't going to stop for them so I think they need to know that you wait until they have passed.  Just obey the rules of the road people...please!  There's no cross have the right of way!

Speaking of counterproductive...We have some very dear friends who we hang out with quite frequently.  They are really great, but the guy does things just to make me mad!  They are pretty relaxed and let their kids jump on the couch and stuff.  Which if fine, I don't care...but I don't let MY kids jump on our furniture and I don't want them to learn that it's OK to jump on anyone's furniture.  They are getting old enough so that they can probably figure out it's OK only at this friend's house, but I'd just rather not go there.  But HE tells them they can do whatever they want at his house and not to worry about what I'm telling them.  He knows it irritates me otherwise he probably wouldn't do it at all.  Urggg...

Finally we were in California this weekend (SO about that later) and went out to eat several times.  Not one place we went to sold Root Beer.  What is up with THAT?  Are you kidding me?  I can understand one place that just doesn't, but we went to El Torito's, The FishGrille and Burger King....none of them had it.  What kind of a state doesn't sell rootbeer?


Lara Neves said...

Almost all of them but Utah. It is really weird, I know!

I hate it when the cars stop, too...for the same reason. Chloe even said she didn't need to worry because the cars would stop for her. Sheesh.

Tiffany said...

That would be frustrating about all of that. I have totally been there with the car situation. I know what you mean. It's not like you can carry a huge picket sign with you telling the cars that you are trying to teach car safety and to keep moving! LOL!

Kate said...

I have noticed the no root beer thing. It is just wrong. They don't know what fry sauce is either. I agree with you about the car thing, if cars stop the kids think they always will and there are some people that just don't stop. People get a clue.

Rebecca said...

Don't worry about the root beer thing. Most RB in Cali has caffeine anyway. And why didn't I know about your trip BEFORE you made it?