Thursday, August 21, 2008

I can't help but BRAG

Are these two not the cutest things you've ever seen? Honestly...

I finally convinced Tyler to wear this suit again. He's had it for almost two years, but as you can imagine it was kind of too big for a while. Now it really fits him, but he never wants to wear it...I can't figure out why, he's so DASHING in it. This week I finally convinced him with the old "Don't you want to wear a tie just like daddy?" argument. As you can see, Kelley is the mother hen as always prodding and pushing him into it more than I.

The other day I said "Tyler needs a haircut again". Kelley said "Why don't we give him a buzz cut?" I told her we couldn't because Daddy said it would cut off all his personality. She asked what personality was and I tried to explain it's the way you laugh, the things you say, the type of person you are. So a minute later she comes back with "Well, if you cut my hair like yours then what will happen?" (Mine is quite a bit shorter than hers.) I said "then you'll look like me" She then asked "Well what about my personality?" Smart kid...

Final note for tonight: You know you watch too much "What not to wear" with your kids when...

Kelley was trying on her new school clothes today and she didn't want me to watch because she wanted it to be a surprise: "You know, like on the clothing show, you don't come out until you look 'fantastic'".


Andrea said...

He does look great in that suit. Maybe it's a guy thing--Matt doesn't like to wear one either.

C'est Moi said...

cute cute CUTE kids! You are such a good mom!


Kate said...

Your kids look great!!! They are so cute.