Saturday, January 9, 2010


Anyone that spends time with me and my kids knows I'm constantly coming up with a new nickname. Kelley could be Kelley Belly, Kells-Bells, Baby Doll, Gooseberry...whatever. Tyler's been Ty-Ty, Ty-ters, Monster Boy. The one I like most for Maren so far is Mare-Bear. She is so sweet and such a good baby. I think she might be getting the Reflux that both my other kids had and so she isn't sleeping quite as well, but still is such a doll. She's just so content and easy to love. I'm amazed every time we go through this process. With Kelley I just didn't have a clue what it would be like. With Tyler I wondered how he would fit into our little family. With Maren I was a little unsure I was ready to take this plunge again. But with each one of them I've found them so easy to adore and they just seem to fit right in. Maren has been no different.

I am loving spending so much time with this precious baby. It seems a little easier this time around for some reason to just enjoy where she is at. There's not the anxiousness I've sometimes felt with my older two for her to grow up and get bigger. I feel like even though she's still so tiny, she's already growing too fast and I'm just happy to have her be little for now. One of the daycare kids was so observant when they told me yesterday "You just kiss her all the time!"

Life is good. She is the perfect baby. And with that I'm going to go to bed and get my sleep. It seems like such a shame to waste any time she's actually sleeping at night...although I seem to be able to get so much more done...


Andrea said...

Love that sleeping shot-so beautiful.

chrissy said...

Ah, those daddy daughter naps are priceless, aren't they?

Unknown said...

She is growing so fast already! She is such a doll! It does fly by, so I'm glad you are enjoying every minute!