Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I have been caught up

I've been very caught up lately in the mundane.  I feel bogged down by the condition of my house (a constant mess) and the mundane routines (changing diapers, cooking, washing hands, laundry, not getting enough sleep).  I've been very just BLAH lately.  This afternoon was so REFRESHING!  I threw swimsuits on all the kids I had left this afternoon, slathered on sunscreen and we headed outside.  The original plan was to get out the water balloons, but I wasn't prepared for that and it would have taken too long.  So we went out to the sandbox.  The kids cleared out all the toys and were going to make rivers.  But they don't quite get it that they have to build them from high to low, or they don't flow well.  So I suggested they make a big mountain and put a lake in it, having rivers flow down from there.  They were excited about that, but weren't quite sure how to accomplish that goal.  So instead of trying to just direct traffic, I jumped in the sandbox and we all built the mountain together.  Then we spent the next twenty minutes making lakes, watching the mountain erode.  It was so fun.  I wasn't worried about them making a big mess, or splashing in the mud puddles.  We just played together and had a grand time.  Tomorrow, maybe we can pull out the water balloons!!!!


* said...

I get caught up in the mundane stuff, too. I don't like being there, and it's a good thing for me to remind myself that it's so much nicer sitting in a sand pile (or anywhere else), even when dirt gets in your pants. ;) Perspective can be everything.

Audrey said...

That's great that you just got in there and played along! I'll bet the kids loved it too.

Lauren said...

Those are the blissful moments!

Anna said...

If only we could all remember to get in there and always enjoy our kids! There is so much of the mundane, but the blessings are in our kids not the laundry so much!

Rae said...

Oh, man, I think it's such an accomplishment sometimes to really engage like that. It can be so hard. I'm happy for you!

chrissy said...

That's awesome! I always sit on the sidelines and watch my kids play, but when I get in there and get dirty, those are the best days of my week!